
Privacy Policy

The protection of users privacy whilst using our website is a fundamental concern of Algarve Wheelchair Holidays in the treatment of personal data. Therefore we take all necessary measures to ensure the fulfilment of international and national requirements relating to the use of personal information. The use of your personal details is carried out in accordance with EU legislation, Portuguese laws and any other relevant laws which regulate the maintenance, treatment, access and transfer of personal information.

The current Privacy Policy (“Policy”) implies that the collection, maintenance and treatment of personal information, are carried out not only in accordance with this Policy but also in accordance with all relevant legislation. This Policy is applied to personal information collected by means of electronic communications (including websites, electronic mail and other methods available on the internet), which present any connection with this Policy. This Policy is not applicable to personal details which are not collected by means of the internet. Our website has links to other websites, however this Policy is not applicable to websites of third parties whose contents or privacy practises are not controlled by Algarve Wheelchair Holidays.

Algarve Wheelchair Holidays only collects personal details in the event that the individual concerned sends us this information. The details collected are not made available to third parties for marketing purposes unless with the specific consent of the individual concerned.